Quakers, FIlipinos, and more.
Scott: no really, we seriously miss you
Scott: you need to be back int eh new world
Scott: instead of some malaria infested island
Oh, Scott "Snap-snap-triple-snap, BITCH!" Wen. Thank you for reminding me where I really belong. Because walking through the mega-malls of Singapore in a grass skirt and a goat-skin bra was starting to make me feel really uncouth!

Now this is every woman's dream come true. Waking up to some Quaker. Not the edible oat kind, but the ones that come in the form of a certain hapa boy named Jonathan. Thank you for the care package, friend! This photograph will now go under my pillow before I go to sleep every night.
Thank you Robbie, for always talking to me and keeping me updated on your life...NOT. Where the hell did you disappear off to? The only way I remember you is from the fractured bones and bruises that still haven't healed from my one year of living with you. Why are Filipinos so goddamn abusive?

Speaking of Filipinos... I saw a whole bunch of 'em. A whole country of 'em! This must have been about a week ago. Or something like that.

By the way, somewhere between the two-hour distance that separates Clark Airport and Manila, there's an invisible rift in the fabric of time and space that transports you directly to downtown Los Angeles. Or at least that's what it felt like. Because some parts of Manila are so eerily similar to downtown Los Angeles I was ready to pee my pants. It might have been the fact that we were driving on the right side of the road. Or the ridiculous traffic and the smog. Or all the brown people who love Jesus. Or like, the fact that the Philippines was once occupied by the United States. In any case, it was kuh-ra-zee. You just had to see it to believe it.
So my one regret is that I didn't have enough time to properly experience all the Filipino things that the country has to offer. That, and I didn't have a thermal body suit to keep me warm when I rode that horrible nine-hour bus ride from Manila to Vican in an air-conditioned bus that gives a new defintion to the term freezing hell.
Toubie and I had fun, though. We ate a lot of pork / rice dishes, got made fun of by Filipino teenagers, played in random playground sets in the middle of the city, looked at churches, random art galleries and a bunch of other amazing, awesome things! I'm excited to travel to Vietnam in ten days with this girl.

We're cute little Japanese girls.

The best way to conclude any trip in Southeast Asia: Burger King. God bless fat.
I'll be home in exactly three weeks. Three weeks, friends!
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