Some important business back home.
Some cool cats of the male variety back home have decided to take on the Insomnia Film Festival and spend twenty-four hours of their life writing, directing, acting and editing in their very own short film "Countdown"!. Vote for them and make your mama proud. Heck, if Angry Asian Man thinks it's worth a mention in his daily updates occurring within the Asian American community, then you know it's something gosh-wow-kabam!
Coincidentally, the makers of "Countdown" are also a microcosmic sample of the ridiculously beautiful people who compose Lapu the Coyote that Cares Theater Company, an Asian American theater group that's been around UCLA for the last eleven or so years. Rumor has it that they are holding their annual auditions like, now, and you should like, check this shit out before you regret it for the rest of your life and die a lonely, bitter death. Now you really wouldn't want that, would you?
Before I joined LCC, I was a socially inept recluse with awkward conversation skills and no boyfriend. Two years later, I am still a socially inept recluse with awkward conversation skills and no boyfriend--but now with invaluable writing, directing and acting experience under my belt! Hot damn!
I just spent four days in the Philippines. I ate a lot of pork and rice. I will elaborate more on this later.
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