Yumi on the coast

Nothing a douse of garlic chili pepper sauce can't fix.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

And very belatedly..

Happy birthday KAY!!!!! Ouchi ni kaetara zettai asobu kara ne!


Being in Southeast Asia makes me think of all the people back home. When I was in Cambodia, I thought of Kim. When I was in the Philippines, I thought of the left vertical half of Robbie. Everytime I heard about Myanmar, I kept thinking how the Burmese government should give Conroy a medal of honor for being a DDR Champion and showing that the Burmese can triumph over anything. Now that I am in Vietnam, I am reminded of all the Vietnamese friends I have back home. Okay, so there's .... way too many of you to list. Be proud, my Viet friends. You have effectively infiltrated my social circle.

Six days, friends.