I'm cool. I look at art.

While Singapore may not quite have the dirty and chaotic rhythm of other Southeast Asian countries that actually allow trash on the streets, this little island-state tries hard to prove to the rest of the world that having ridiculously strict laws does not necessarily equate complete death of creative expression. Hence the country is now hosting an international art festival where artwork by artists from all over the world are displayed in public venues scattered throughout the country, whether this occurs in former government buildings, religious temples or random outdoor spaces.
Spent an entire afternoon today checking out the venue at City Hall. Since people no longer use the rooms within the actual building, artists have installed photographs, paintings, video art and media installations within empty courtrooms and hallways. Considering how much censorship goes on within this country (not to mention the fact that there is basically only ONE political party representing all of Singapore), I was surprised by how political many of these pieces were. The fact that they are all situated in a former governement building further heightens the tension and irony of it all.

For the most part, I was very impressed with everything that was showcased here. They were either conceptually intriguing or simply wonderful, beautiful eye candy. It reminds me that divine moments are still possible in art.

David took a picture of me and Jeremy, with me looking very serious and contemplative. This is Ahhhhhrt we are dealing with here, Ahhhhhhhrt with a capital A! Too bad I don't really look like this all the time in real life; otherwise, I might actually have a chance of fooling older men into thinking that I'm a real woman of depth and intrigue.
My actual thoughts in this photograph: "I LIKE TACOZZZ!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!"
Every time I make any conclusive statement about where I stand regarding my own creative life, I start believing in the opposite sentiment a few days later. I miss charcoal. I miss painting. I miss the physicality of it, the tactility of it. When will I ever learn? Just shut up and do it.

This girl cracks me up. Especially when she does an imitation of my so-called Socal accent.

Run, Yumi, run!
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