Yumi on the coast

Nothing a douse of garlic chili pepper sauce can't fix.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Because I can.

A complete list of the many modes of transportation that was used during my 8-day stay in Thailand:

- Plane.
- Taxi.
- Ferry.
- Tuk-tuk driver.
- Bus (big and small).
- Minivan.
- Walking. Lots of walking.
- Very brisk walking when creepy European men started following us.
- Sleeper train.
- Bamboo raft.
- Elephant.
- Moped.

A semi-complete visual list of the meals consumed during Thailand:

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A complete visual list of the cutest animal pictures taken during Thailand:

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[In a Northern Hill Tribe village]

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[At the elephant riding place]

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[At the Doi Suthep Temple. I can't think of any cute cat puns that involves the word "meow" and reaching enlightenment! "Spiritual purrfection" is just too easy, don't you think?]

A complete list of the girl who needs to get a life whose name starts with 'Y' and ends in 'umi':

It's so that bitch Joanna!