A view from Bangkok.

In retrospect, visiting a country that just had a bloodless military coup is probably not the best idea in the world. However, for the stupidly adventurous or the just plain stupid, it is a chance to experience history firsthand. And by experience history firsthand I really mean taking tasteless pictures of myself flashing a fobby peace sign in front of army tanks situated by the Bangkok National Assembly.
What can I say, it was bloody worth it.
Earlier in the week I was in Southern Thailand, riding in the back of a moped driven by a man I just met roughly ten minutes ago (more on this later). He asked me, "So what do your parents think about you being in Thailand?"
"They don't know," I reply.
I just experienced a sample platter of Thailand in a whirlwind eight days and while it was certainly one of the most adventurous weeks of my life, right now I am relieved to sit around in my underwear in front of my computer and do absolutely nothing adventurous or culturally enriching.

Beaches, Buddhas, elephant-riding, spicy food, tuk-tuk drivers, night markets, a five-minute peep of a really sleazy Bangkok sex show, getting ripped off, floating markets, even more Buddhas, chatting with monks, hikes through forests, getting hopelessly lost, oh my! so many things to write about and so many pictures to post. More soon, my precious, more soon.
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